56 research outputs found

    Kunnskapskilder i sosialt arbeid med etniske minoriteter: Veier til forstÄelse eller til fordommer?

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    Denne masteroppgaven forsĂžker Ă„ finne ut noe om sosialarbeideres oppfatning og forstĂ„else av kildene de bruker i mĂžte med etniske minoriteter. Hvilken kunnskap kildene gir og hvordan dette pĂ„virker dem i det daglige arbeidet er sentrale spĂžrsmĂ„l. Jeg er opptatt av om og i sĂ„ fall hvordan sosialt arbeids verdier og idealer kan utfordres av kunnskapen. I denne oppgaven stĂ„r det â€Ă„ forstĂ„ den andre”, med alt det medfĂžrer, sentralt. Intervjuene er gjort ved to NAV sosialtjenester i en storby i Norge. Jeg har valgt en tilnĂŠrming som baserer seg pĂ„ kvalitative intervju. Det er gjennomfĂžrt to gruppeintervjuer og fire oppfĂžlgingsintervjuer. Kunnskap og forstĂ„else har vĂŠrt kjernebegreper i denne oppgaven. Informasjonen fra intervjuene ble drĂžftet i lys av begreper fra blant annet Gadamers bidrag til hermeneutikk og Polanyis perspektiv pĂ„ kunnskap. I tillegg er supplerende begreper tatt med for Ă„ utdype forstĂ„else og kunnskap. Blant dem er for eksempel fordommer. Andre faktorer og rammeverk er ogsĂ„ trukket inn i den grad det har blitt sett pĂ„ som relevant. I intervjuene kom det frem at kildene til kunnskap om etniske minoriteter var mangfoldige. Noen kilder ble mer vektlagt av informantene enn andre. De oppga tjenestemottakeren som den viktigste kilden. Informantene fortalte ogsĂ„ at de opplevde at kildene fokuserte mye pĂ„ ulikhet og begrensninger. Men i tillegg fortalte de om kilder som ga kunnskap om og forstĂ„else av likhet. Under intervjuene ble det ogsĂ„ snakket mye om fordommer. Kuratorene satte blant annet spĂžrsmĂ„lstegn ved forskjellen pĂ„ kunnskap og fordom. Studien viser at sosialt arbeid pĂ„virkes, og til en viss grad utfordres av kunnskapen fra kildene. Ulikhet og begrensninger overkommuniseres, noe som kan pĂ„virke hvordan sosialarbeiderne forstĂ„r den andre. Brukermedvirkning, Ă„penhet, Ă„ se individet og ikke gruppen han eller hun er en del av, er andre verdier som utfordres. Kuratorene i undersĂžkelsen vektlegger en holdning om at mennesker er forskjellige, og at det er kunnskap fra selve mottakeren som er viktig for Ă„ forstĂ„ hvordan han eller hun har det. De er opptatte av Ă„ vĂŠre Ă„pne for mottakerens virkelighet. Intervjuene viser at denne holdningen noen ganger utfordres av kunnskapskildene. Egen arbeidserfaring og media nevnes spesifikt. Utfordringene kommer spesielt til uttrykk nĂ„r det er snakk om fordommer. Studien viser ogsĂ„ at det kan vĂŠre vanskelig Ă„ definere fordom og hva det er.This master’s thesis attempts to explore social workers’ perceptions and understanding of the sources they make use of in dealing with ethnic minorities. Important questions are what knowledge the sources provide and how this affects the social workers in their daily work. I am concerned with whether, and if so, how the values and ideals of social work can be challenged by the knowledge. “To understand the other” with all that it entails, is central to this thesis. The interviews have been carried out at social services branches in a Norwegian city. I have chosen an approach based on qualitative interviews. Two group interviews and four follow-up interviews have been conducted. Knowledge and understanding have been core issues in this thesis. The information from the interviews has been discussed in light of concepts from, among other sources, Gadamer’s contribution to hermeneutics and Polanyi’s perspective on knowledge. Additionally, supplementary concepts have been included to deepen the account of understanding and knowledge. Among these is prejudice. Other factors and frameworks are brought in to the degree that they have been viewed as relevant. The interviews revealed that the sources of knowledge of ethnic minorities were manifold. Some sources were emphasized more than others by the informants. They declared the social service recipient to be the most important source. The informants expressed that they perceived the sources to accentuate difference and constraints. But they also told of sources providing knowledge and understanding of similarity. Prejudice was also a recurrent topic during the interviews. Among other things, the social workers questioned the difference between knowledge and prejudice. The study shows that social work is affected, and to a certain degree, challenged by the knowledge provided by the sources. Difference and constraints are overcommunicated, which may affect how social workers understand “the other”. Client participation, open-mindedness , and to see the individual rather than the group of which he or she is a member, are values being challenged. The social workers emphasize a view of all people as being different and that knowledge provided by the recipient is the key to understand how he or she is doing. They are concerned with being open to reality as experienced by the recipient. The interviews demonstrate that this outlook is sometimes challenged by the sources of knowledge. Own work experience and the media are mentioned specifically. The challenges become explicit when talking of prejudice. The study also shows that defining prejudice can be difficult.Master i sosialt arbei

    Spatial metaphors of the ancient world: theory and practice

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    Group C-2 of the Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi Space and Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Texts is dedicated to the study of spatial metaphors and their functions in texts of different genres, languages, and epochs. This outline of the work of group C-2 takes as its point of departure and theoretical framework a general linguistic typology of spatial metaphors. This outline is followed by a series of case studies ranging from wisdom texts and philosophical treatises to tragedy and from Ancient Egyptian to Shakespearean English. These examples are aimed at illustrating both the challenges and the possibilities of the study and interpretation of spatial metaphors in their respective contexts


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    Uwe Hunger/Kathrin Kissau (Hg .): Internet und Migration. Theoretische ZugÀnge und empirische Befunde (Charlotte Horn)Anne Weibert: Ein Ganzes im lokalen Rahmen. Vom integrativen Potenzial der Lokalberichterstattung in Deutschland und den USA (Charlotte Horn)Denise Bieler: Public Relations und Massenkommunikation . Einrichtung von Pressestellen um die Wende des 20 . Jahrhunderts (Renate Hackel-de Latour)

    Development and Validation of Markers for the Fertility Restorer Gene Rf1 in Sunflower

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    Hybrid breeding in sunflowers based on CMS PET1 requires development of restorer lines carrying, in most cases, the restorer gene Rf1. Markers for marker-assisted selection have been developed, but there is still need for closer, more versatile, and co-dominant markers linked to Rf1. Homology searches against the reference sunflower genome using sequences of cloned markers, as well as Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC)-end sequences of clones hybridizing to them, allowed the identification of two genomic regions of 30 and 3.9 Mb, respectively, as possible physical locations of the restorer gene Rf1 on linkage group 13. Nine potential candidate genes, encoding six pentatricopeptide repeat proteins, one tetratricopeptide-like helical domain, a probable aldehyde dehydrogenase 22A1, and a probable poly(A) polymerase 3 (PAPS3), were identified in these two genomic regions. Amplicon targeted next generation sequencing of these nine candidate genes for Rf1 was performed in an association panel consisting of 27 maintainer and 32 restorer lines and revealed the presence of 210 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and 67 Insertions/Deletions (INDELs). Association studies showed significant associations of 10 SNPs with fertility restoration (p-value lt 10(-4)), narrowing Rf1 down to three candidate genes. Three new markers, one co-dominant marker 67N04_P and two dominant markers, PPR621.5R for restorer, and PPR621.5M for maintainer lines were developed and verified in the association panel of 59 sunflower lines. The versatility of the three newly developed markers, as well as of three existing markers for the restorer gene Rf1 (HRG01 and HRG02, Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS)-marker H13), was analyzed in a large association panel consisting of 557 accessions

    Association studies and marker development for the fertility restorer gene Rf1 in sunflower

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    Fertility restoration is an essential part of hybrid breeding based on cytoplasmic male sterility. In sunflower, the CMS PET1 originating from an interspecific hybridization between Helianthus petiolaris and H. annuus is world-wide used in hybrid breeding. The restorer gene Rf1 is responsible for restoring fertility in the hybrids by specifically reducing the co-transcript of atp1 and the CMS-specific orfH522 in the anthers. From the mode of action (differences in RNA stability) Rf1 could be a pentatricopeptide repeat gene. Blasting BAC-end sequences and sequences of markers linked to the restorer gene Rf1 two physical locations (encompassing 30 Mb and 3.9 Mb, respectively) on linkage group 13 could be identified in the sunflower genome sequence of HanXRQ. These two regions contained nine possible candidate genes for Rf1: seven pentatricopeptide repeat genes, one aldehyde dehydrogenase and one poly(A) polymerase 3 gene. Using a next generation sequencing approach, the nine candidate genes were sequenced with 120 x coverage in an association panel of 59 lines (27 maintainer and 32 restorer lines) and 210 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as well as 67 insertions/deletions (InDels) could be identified

    Interleukin-6-dependent survival of multiple myeloma cells involves the Stat3-mediated induction of micro-RNA-21 through a highly conserved enhancer

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    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is implicated in the pathogenesis of many malignancies and essential for IL-6–dependent survival and growth of multiple myeloma cells. Here, we demonstrate that the gene encoding oncogenic microRNA-21 (miR-21) is controlled by an upstream enhancer containing 2 Stat3 binding sites strictly conserved since the first observed evolutionary appearance of miR-21 and Stat3. MiR-21 induction by IL-6 was strictly Stat3 dependent. Ectopically raising miR-21 expression in myeloma cells in the absence of IL-6 significantly reduced their apoptosis levels. These data provide strong evidence that miR-21 induction contributes to the oncogenic potential of Stat3

    Molecular analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana transparent testa (tt) genes in Brassica napus

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    Lotz T, Snowdon R, Horn R, et al. Molecular analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana transparent testa (tt) genes in Brassica napus. In: PLANT BREEDING Opportunities for new cruciferous crops. Rapeseed Congress Proceedings. 2003

    Molecular markers for detection of Rf1 gene developed from BAC-end sequences in sunflower

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    Sunflower is the second most common crop among hybrids, worldwide. Development of cytoplasmic male sterile and fertility restoration lines enables creation of hybrids. Sunflower hybrid breeding most frequently relies on the combination of the CMS PET1 cytoplasm and the fertility restoration gene Rf1. Use of molecular markers can accelerate creation of restorer lines. Previous work on this subject included mapping of the Rf1 gene on chromosome 13 and development of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries for the restorer line RHA325 and the maintainer line HA383, which enabled positioning of BAC clones surrounding the Rf1 gene in the cross RHA325 x HA342. In this study, BAC-end sequences were used to derive primers in order to amplify selected regions from RHA325 and the maintainer line, HA342. While the majority of primer combinations were monomorphic, some were polymorphic between RHA325 and HA342. Previously reported markers for detection of Rf1 gene and newly developed ones based on BAC-end sequences were further tested on hybrids and its components (A, B and R lines) created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad

    Zuordnungen in Bewegung : Geschlecht und sexuelle Orientierung quer durch die Disziplinen

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    Durch aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische und rechtliche Debatten um geschlechtliche und sexuelle Vielfalt ist einiges in Bewegung geraten: Tradierte (Zu-)Ordnungen von Geschlecht sind durchlĂ€ssiger geworden, strikte Regulierungen von SexualitĂ€t(en) sind aufgebrochen. Soziale Wirklichkeiten scheinen nun pluralisiert und neue Chancen fĂŒr selbstbestimmte Lebens­weisen eröffnet. Zugleich haben institutionalisierte Vorstellungen von binĂ€ren Ge­schlech­terdifferenzen und von HeterosexualitĂ€t Spuren hinterlassen, die als ‚Einschreibungen’ der sozialen VerhĂ€ltnisse weiter existieren. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis interdisziplinĂ€rer Reflexionen in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Die BeitrĂ€ge geben einen Einblick in unterschiedliche disziplinĂ€re Perspektiven auf Gender- und SexualitĂ€ts(zu)ordnungen. Sie spannen die Breite der For­schungsfelder mit ihrem jeweiligen Bezug zu Alltagspraktiken auf; vor dem Hintergrund der Fachkulturen und wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen beleuchten sie begriffliche Konzepte, Fragestellungen sowie Arbeitsweisen und reflektieren vor allem auch die Gleichzeitigkeit von KontinuitĂ€t, Wandel und neuen Normierungsprozessen.Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis interdisziplinĂ€rer Reflexionen in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Die BeitrĂ€ge geben einen Einblick in unterschiedliche disziplinĂ€re Perspektiven auf Gender- und SexualitĂ€ts(zu)ordnungen. Sie spannen die Breite der For­schungsfelder mit ihrem jeweiligen Bezug zu Alltagspraktiken auf; vor dem Hintergrund der Fachkulturen und wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen beleuchten sie begriffliche Konzepte, Fragestellungen sowie Arbeitsweisen und reflektieren vor allem auch die Gleichzeitigkeit von KontinuitĂ€t, Wandel und neuen Normierungsprozesse

    Kunnskapskilder i sosialt arbeid med etniske minoriteter: Veier til forstÄelse eller til fordommer?

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    Denne masteroppgaven forsĂžker Ă„ finne ut noe om sosialarbeideres oppfatning og forstĂ„else av kildene de bruker i mĂžte med etniske minoriteter. Hvilken kunnskap kildene gir og hvordan dette pĂ„virker dem i det daglige arbeidet er sentrale spĂžrsmĂ„l. Jeg er opptatt av om og i sĂ„ fall hvordan sosialt arbeids verdier og idealer kan utfordres av kunnskapen. I denne oppgaven stĂ„r det â€Ă„ forstĂ„ den andre”, med alt det medfĂžrer, sentralt. Intervjuene er gjort ved to NAV sosialtjenester i en storby i Norge. Jeg har valgt en tilnĂŠrming som baserer seg pĂ„ kvalitative intervju. Det er gjennomfĂžrt to gruppeintervjuer og fire oppfĂžlgingsintervjuer. Kunnskap og forstĂ„else har vĂŠrt kjernebegreper i denne oppgaven. Informasjonen fra intervjuene ble drĂžftet i lys av begreper fra blant annet Gadamers bidrag til hermeneutikk og Polanyis perspektiv pĂ„ kunnskap. I tillegg er supplerende begreper tatt med for Ă„ utdype forstĂ„else og kunnskap. Blant dem er for eksempel fordommer. Andre faktorer og rammeverk er ogsĂ„ trukket inn i den grad det har blitt sett pĂ„ som relevant. I intervjuene kom det frem at kildene til kunnskap om etniske minoriteter var mangfoldige. Noen kilder ble mer vektlagt av informantene enn andre. De oppga tjenestemottakeren som den viktigste kilden. Informantene fortalte ogsĂ„ at de opplevde at kildene fokuserte mye pĂ„ ulikhet og begrensninger. Men i tillegg fortalte de om kilder som ga kunnskap om og forstĂ„else av likhet. Under intervjuene ble det ogsĂ„ snakket mye om fordommer. Kuratorene satte blant annet spĂžrsmĂ„lstegn ved forskjellen pĂ„ kunnskap og fordom. Studien viser at sosialt arbeid pĂ„virkes, og til en viss grad utfordres av kunnskapen fra kildene. Ulikhet og begrensninger overkommuniseres, noe som kan pĂ„virke hvordan sosialarbeiderne forstĂ„r den andre. Brukermedvirkning, Ă„penhet, Ă„ se individet og ikke gruppen han eller hun er en del av, er andre verdier som utfordres. Kuratorene i undersĂžkelsen vektlegger en holdning om at mennesker er forskjellige, og at det er kunnskap fra selve mottakeren som er viktig for Ă„ forstĂ„ hvordan han eller hun har det. De er opptatte av Ă„ vĂŠre Ă„pne for mottakerens virkelighet. Intervjuene viser at denne holdningen noen ganger utfordres av kunnskapskildene. Egen arbeidserfaring og media nevnes spesifikt. Utfordringene kommer spesielt til uttrykk nĂ„r det er snakk om fordommer. Studien viser ogsĂ„ at det kan vĂŠre vanskelig Ă„ definere fordom og hva det er
